Supervised Gym Rehab Group Classes

With Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Coach Lincoln Blissett


What is it? Supervised Gym Rehab Group Classes – individualised programs.

When are they on? Friday evenings from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

Where are they? In the Fortis Physio Gym at the ANU.

Why are we doing it? To provide additional supervision for those who may not be confident enough on their own, want extra help on their journey, or are simply looking for an affordable way to have regular sessions with qualified healthcare professionals.

How do you book? Existing patients can just ask! New patients will need to book an initial assessment with the class supervisor – Exercise Physiologist, Lincoln Blissett.

Cost? $55 per session. You may be eligible for group class private health rebates, check with your insurer on your coverage.


How do they work? If you and your treating physio or exercise physiologist agree that this is the best option for you, we build you a program to complete in the gym. You attend the class time and complete your individual program using our state-of-the-art equipment. With a maximum of 4 people per class, you will have the ability to ask questions of the class instructor, receive technical help and advice, or have adjustments made to your program on the spot if necessary for you.

What if I miss a session? No problem, just contact us prior to your appointment to let us know that you can’t make it, and we will see you at the next class!

What if this time doesn’t work, or the class is full? Not to worry, we will look to open further class options as this one fills up.

Can I have a copy of my program? Absolutely! In fact, we encourage you to continue completing the program – and other exercises - as often as recommended by your treating healthcare professional outside of the classes.

Will private health cover this? It is best to check your level of cover with your private health insurance provider. This service will come under group exercise classes provided by an accredited exercise physiologist.